Therapeutic Regression - Holistic Space Triangle of the Moon

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A Therapeutic Regression offered by Holistic Space Triangle of the Moon it can be performed in adults, in adolescents, in children (with regressions in the child or in one of the parents or another relative – at a distance).

Detachment: In all Regressions there is detachment from past lives, usually for the improvement or cure of phobias, sadness, severe depressions, feelings of loneliness, abandonment, traumatic situations and also physical cures such as migraines, asthma, irrational fears for no apparent reason, undiagnosed painethical or strong negative feelings for no apparent reason.

Consciential: Remembering past lives on earth (secular or millennial behavioral pattern) to compare ourselves with how they are today and then realize what they should improve, transforms, evaluate our performance in them, how much we have been taking advantage of them in the spiritual sense, as we are when we go down to earth and how we feel when we come home with our superiorities coming home.

  Start: 18/06/2018 12:00

  End: 01/07/2018 12:00

  Values: To consult.

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