Franklin Bar's Birthday

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O Franklin Bar, celebrates the first birthday in the midst of the pandemic. Opened on June 19, 2019, the bar reopens this Thursday, June 18 in a soft opening and following all security protocols.

At first, the service will be done with reservations only. In addition, all the necessary care and measures for opening the bar were followed to ensure the well-being of customers, as well as the team of employees.

Upon entering the bar, the customer will have their temperature measured with a digital thermometer, they will receive a disposable menu, which they can take home, and they will also receive a Covid-19 manual so they can know all the measures taken at the bar.

To ensure the distance of 1,5 meters, the number of tables in the hall has been reduced so that the environment has a maximum capacity of 40%. And that's why table reservations are necessary.

Another issue is that at this moment the service at the counter will not be carried out, to maintain a safe distance between customers and Bartenders.

  Start: 18/06/2020 18:00

  End: 19/06/2020 00:00

  Values: To be consulted. To make a reservation, you need to send a message in @franklinbar_ direct or contact us by phone / WhatsApp 48 98459-6195.

Opening hours: from 18:00 to XNUMX:XNUMX, from Tuesday to Saturday.

Photo credit: Maycon Citadin.

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