NosNaldeia with Daniel Lucena and Guests at John Bull – Thursday

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This Thursday, the band UsNaldeia and the singer-songwriter Daniel Lucena (Rural Express) receive guests for a night of great classics of Santa Catarina music. Yellow House, Certain Friends, In the Mornings of the South of the World, Sol de Sonrisal and many other hits will rock the night in john bull pub. In addition, the party features the performance of the singer Angela Beatriz who performs the closing show of the night.

O John Bull Florida is about to complete 13 years of great music. The house is known for its live shows, themed decoration with rock legends, air-conditioned environment, differentiated menu of pub food, deck overlooking Lagoa da Conceição and parking. Open from Thursday to Saturday, in addition to international and special shows.

Birthday: In the week of your birthday, you and a companion do not pay admission. Reservation required by email ( You can also bring up to 30 friends, as the house offers special discounts on the admission price.

  Start: 04/09/2015 01:00

  End: 04/09/2015 02:30


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