Meditation Class – DeRose Floripa Method

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O DeRose Floripa Method created an exclusive schedule for the training of the meditation, Wednesdays at 11 am. The goal is to make this dedicated hour provide the participant with focus, productivity and mental stability from Monday to Monday. With the practice of this meditation, self-knowledge, improvement of intuition, self-control and the reduction of stress and anxiety levels are developed. the facilitator is Anneliese Maia, who has 15 years of experience. The DeRose Floripa Method School offers classes that provide respiratory reeducation, body techniques for muscle tone, flexibility, balance, concentration and meditation. We have classes for beginners, intermediates and personal.

  Start: 26/09/2018 14:00

  End: 09/01/2019 14:00

  Values: To be consulted. There are only 10 spots.

Additional information: WhatsApp - (48) 9 9994-1054.

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