Painting Classes - Spatulado

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the class of spatulated com Tania Paupitz gather at most five students for a step-by-step class, teaching the technique of using the spatula, from drawing to finishing. The canvas must have a size of 40x30 and the theme will be Casario Açoriano. The course fee includes all the material, except the canvas, which can be purchased at the Atelier or at a place of your choice. To reserve your spot, make your registration by the phones available below, spaces are limited.

Mondays from 14pm to 17pm.

  Start: 11/04/2016 17:00

  End: 30/05/2016 20:00

  Values: R $ 50.

More information: By phones (48) 3879-8174 or (48) 9972-3446 and through the websites  e

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