Consumer and E-Commerce Compliance

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Ministered by Gustavo Costa Ferreira e Francisco Yukio Hayashi, the course aims to answer the question: "How can you reduce the legal risks of your business and at the same time convey greater credibility to your consumers?". 

With a duration of 3 hours and divided into two stages, the course aims to analyze how the specific rights of the Brazilian consumer and other elements of the Consumer Defense Law will be presented, to enable the understanding of the e-consumer compliance rules. In addition, the legal requirements that reflect on the activity of virtual stores will be addressed, as well as the sanctions that may derive from possible non-compliance with such regulations. 


  Start: 08/04/2015 22:30

  End: 09/04/2015 01:30

  Values: To consult.

Information and registration: through the Vilaj Coworking website (link to the side).

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