Reiki Course

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O Reiki is a spiritual practice, created in 1922 by the Japanese Mikao Usui. It is based on the belief in the existence of universal vital energy "Ki" , which can be manipulated through the laying on of hands. Through this technique, practitioners believe it is possible to channel universal energy in order to reestablish a supposed natural balance, not only spiritual, but also emotional and physical.

the minister Juliana De'Carli Over two days, it goes over the fundamental teachings and techniques for the correct use of Reiki laying on of hands, telling participants how to use the technique through the topics Awakening and Transformation.

  Start: 07/03/2015 22:00

  End: 08/03/2015 22:00

  Values: To consult.

Opening Hours March 7th and 8th, to be consulted.

Information and registration: by phone (48) 3365-5606 and 9669-3063 or by email

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