Free Tantric Massage Course

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The method developed by Must Nishok is exclusive, encompassing an intensive experience practiced in a weekend, being indicated for couples or single people who want to experience and explore massage for personal use. In the course, participants enter a journey through the orgasmic potentialities, where they are guided and learn to guide the other through the ascension experience of the Kundalini, being attracted to a state of superconsciousness and transcendence called Total Ecstasy - uniting physical, emotional and spiritual - where there is no more separation and the whole happens. Taught by Body Therapists Raghu and Sagari, the course, which takes place in two opportunitys, is an experience that wants to be fluid and harmonious for all participants, with therapists with vast experience, always aiming to provide an environment where friendship and respect are predominant.

  Start: 08/11/2014 11:00

  End: 09/11/2014 20:00

  Values: Parity subscriptions: R$ 1.200 (per person). Individual registration: R$ 1.620 (per person). Recycling: BRL 600.

Registrations: (48) 9154-6750 or through the Metamorfose website (link to the side).

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