Bachelor's Degree in Aesthetics and Cosmetics

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offered by CIEPH, the course, which is taught by the teacher Cintia Vieira Caron, aims to teach students how to combine the offer of professional qualification in the field of beauty with the demand for services related to beauty and the improvement of physical appearance existing in the community of Greater Florianópolis.

The course also aims to train the professional technologist in Aesthetics and Cosmetics for the selection and proper use of cosmetic products, techniques, instruments and equipment aimed at aesthetic treatment, with emphasis on natural therapeutic strategies, as well as for the management of services related to body and facial aesthetics, contributing to the promotion of psycho-physical-social balance, aiming at the fourfold science, health, beauty and management.

O selective process runs until the 6th of February, with classes starting on the 23rd of the same month.

  Start: 21/01/2015 12:00

  End: 06/02/2015 12:00

  Values: To consult.

Information and registration: through the CIEPH website (link beside).

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