Tarot Course - The Course of Life

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Ministered by Jorge Luiz Brandt, the Tarot course - The Course of Life is held at Livraria Nova Era.  The course enables the participant to achieve self-knowledge, and the knowledge of their origin and destination, and makes it possible to extend practices to other people. Between experiential activities and studies, it has the purpose of transmitting to the participants the meaning of the major arcana of the Tarot, in analogy with the course of events to which each person is subjected. The description of these events is contained in a symbolic card in each of the major arcana. Deciphering the enigmas of the Tarot cards is equivalent to unraveling the mysteries of human existence. The objective of the work is to lead the participant to reassess their trajectory, reconsider attitudes and behavior patterns, opening space for transformations that lead to healing and the reconquest of Inner Peace.

  Start: 17/03/2019 12:00

  End: 31/03/2019 22:00

  Values: BRL 1.500. For payment until 28/02: R$ 1.100.

The course is held on March 17, 18, 30 and 31 (Saturday and Sunday), always from 09 am to 19 pm. 

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