Gypsy Deck mini-course

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O Gypsy deck is popularly known as a divinatory oracle, which predicts the future. However, the future is nothing but the sum of the consequences of past and present actions. Simply using the archetypal representation of the cards, this vehicle of "self help" captures in a quantum way the unconscious of the consultant's reality, organizing the past, present and future of the current phase in which he lives in an organized way, providing greater awareness and ability to make more precise choices for the desired future. Ministered by Alice Prestes, the course provides participants, in a practical way, with the meanings of the symbologies present in each of the cards, in addition to assisting in the methods of interpreting the arcana, whether major or minor.

  Start: 11/11/2014 21:00

  End: 11/11/2014 23:00

  Values: £ 130.

Information: participants are asked to bring a gypsy deck of cards and a notebook for notes.

Registrations: by phone (48) 3365-8720

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