Japanese Engraving Workshop – Sosaku Hanga

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The workshop, which is taught by the Bolivian artist Ana Barroso Calle, teaches the sosaku hanga, which is a woodcut technique best known for its use in the Ukiyo-e art genre in its colorful forms. It was also widely used for book printing. The technique that originates from a work of manual incision made directly on a wooden matrix leaving a contour of high and low reliefs visible. It stands out for using a register inscribed in the matrix, water-based inks, as well as a manual disc-shaped printing tool (baren). The same technique helps to work Sosaku Hanga, a contemporary print where the artist works from start to finish in the creation of the print. The target audience is made up of students or professionals in the visual arts, teachers and others interested in woodcuts, with or without experience, over 14 years of age. The duration is 7 hours (1 class of 3 hours and 1 class of 4 hours)

  Start: 02/03/2018 21:00

  End: 03/03/2018 21:00

  Values: R$ 300 until 01/03/2018 (can be paid by credit card at times); R$ 290 in advance until 28/02 by bank deposit, contact us by email at ateliecasadasideias@gmail.com. Spaces are limited. Registration: bit.ly/gravurajaponesa.

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