Detox Workshop – DeRose Floripa Method

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No fads and no suffering Detox Workshop aims to make each participant learn to detoxify the body in a healthy, safe and relaxed way. The techniques of the DeROSE Method (DeRose Method) provide self-knowledge and insight into your body. They are ancient forms of detox used for years by thousands of practitioners around the world. Syllabus: 21-day Program Planning; Detox with lemon; Detoxification with fruits (juices, monodiets); Shat Karma - the six main purification techniques; Kapálabhati - cleansing of the nostrils and lungs; Trataka - cleaning of the eyeballs; Nauli - cleansing of the intestines and abdominal organs by massage; Dhauti - cleaning the esophagus and stomach with water; Basti - cleansing the rectum and colon with water; Nêti - cleaning the nostrils and maxillary sinus with water; Shanka prakshalána - cleansing the stomach and intestines with water and fasting. In addition to the contents, a group is formed for the 21 Day Detox Program, in which all workshop participants can join the follow-up group, which aims to apply the techniques learned for 21 days. A period of purification with effects beyond the physical body, acting on the emotional and mental.

  Start: 24/11/2018 16:00

  End: 24/11/2018 22:00

  Values: To consult.

Additional information and registration: WhatsApp - (48) 9 9845-8780; E-mail -

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