Corpus Christi Rebirth Retreat

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the celebration of Corpus Christi it is a way of continuing one of the most intense purifications of the year (Lent), it is a moment of interiorization, search and encounter, of breathing and expansion, of love and union. Seeking to energetically elevate the participants, instead of wasting energy, a withdrawal in a sanctuary where the internet and technology stay outside, so we can connect internally. The lush nature of the beach helps participants feel the presence of Pacha Mama. the accommodations are rustic, charming and stylish. The main practice carried out is to Rebirthing Breathwork (Rebirth), a special form of breathing that lifts us up and puts us in touch with our higher interior. There are also meditations, Yoga, dances, conversation circles, juice fasting, fire purification, and much more.

  Start: 30/05/2018 19:00

  End: 03/06/2018 19:00

  Values: To be consulted. Send a message on Whatsapp (48) 9 9919-9102 (Henrique), to register and/or receive more information.

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