Visual artist Frida Kahlo is the subject of the Virtual Museums project

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the visual artist Frida Kahlo, is referenced around the world for having shared the peculiarities of Mexican culture through her vibrant works. And her entire career and main milestones can be seen in another edition of the Virtual Museums Project, on Saturday (27), at 15 pm, through Instagram and Youtube of the Cultural Marathon.

The virtual visit, led by the art educator Claudio Toscan, will contemplate the story of life, struggle, passion, love and art of one of the most influential women of the XNUMXth century, through a virtual tour of the house where the artist lived, today the Frida Kahlo Museum, in Mexico City. Also in the Mexican capital, there will be a visit to the Dolores Olmedo Museum, where it is possible to appreciate a significant exhibition by the painter and her husband Diego Rivera.

  Start: 27/06/2020 15:00

  End: 27/06/2020 17:00

  Values: Free. Just go to Instagram @institutomaratonacultural or

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