After a period without receiving visitors in person, the Badesc Cultural Foundation, reopens for visitation in May. At this first moment, visits to the mansion are by appointment and can be on three days a week: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from 13 pm to 18 pm.
To schedule a time to visit, you must send an email to Following the state decree, groups of up to five people will be allowed.
The exhibitions are still on display in the mansion "Distant Things Look Smaller Than They Really Are", from Dante Acosta, on display until July 2nd and "fantastic portraits", from Carol Krugel, which is on display until July 9, 2021.
The exhibitions can also be visited virtually on the Foundation's website –
Start: 03/05/2021 13:00
End: 03/05/2021 18:00
Values: Gratuitous.