For the first time, the gaucho artist Dante Acosta participates in an exhibition at Badesc Cultural Foundation. The artist was selected in the 2020 Exhibition Notice. As a result, from March 04th to April 08th, his works appear in the exhibition Distant Things Look Smaller Than They Really Are. However, due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus, at this first moment the exhibition can be visited on the Foundation's website.
The artist presents 19 works at the Fernando Beck Space, executed with different materials (ink, hydrographic, acrylic ink, pigmented ink pen), supports (paper, canvas) and techniques (watercolor, scanning and printing), in a curatorship that proposes a clipping about your graphic research in the last five years.
Start: 04/03/2021 12:00
End: 08/04/2021 18:00
Values: Gratuitous.