Exhibition “In the Time of the Divine”

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The exposure in the time of the divine is open for visitation in the entrance hall of the Nucleus of Azorean Studies at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. With the guidance of the teachers, the students produced 25 ceramic pieces in three months. Among the works of art are the page and the collector character, who carry the crown and splendor; the four flag gates; the dove of the Divine; the procession; the emperor and empress; the crown, scepter and splendor of the Divine; the representation of an altar with a bible and candlesticks with candles. The exhibition was named “No tempo do Divino” because it was built in three periods: the past, with the photographic collection of the São José Historical Museum of the festivities held in the municipality; the present, which are the students producing the parade pieces; and the future, which is the celebration of Feast of the Holy Spirit, which take place in the state of Santa Catarina from May to September.

  Start: 13/07/2017 12:00

  End: 18/08/2017 20:00

  Values: free.

More information: (48) 3721-8302

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