Inauguration of the Kanto da Sereia Jazz Club

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The opening of space Mermaid Kanto promotes a visual arts exhibition focused on contemporaneity that aims to highlight the evolution of painting, highlighting the dichotomy of creative and aesthetic processes that result in unique and innovative works. Contemporary artists broke the limits of the academicism of the former Fine Arts, and even with the traditional support, they transgressed established norms and started to make use of elements of different styles, techniques and materials in their creations. Artists from different locations were invited to this exhibition, each with its own expressive identity, but showing the same fascination with Florianópolis. The set of these works forms a pictorial mosaic composed of paintings, photographs, paper folds, and terracotta sculpture. The group is formed by Marcos Leal, Lando, Prynss Maia, Dio Gonçalves, Edson Nunes, Marta Facco, and Maia.

  Start: 17/02/2018 22:00

  End: 16/03/2018 02:00

  Values: Gratuitous.

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