Orixás Cultural Clothesline – Santos Afro-Brazilian Cosmology

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The Terreiro de Umbanda Reino de Iemanjá exhibits African Mother Religions Week: Orixás Cultural Clothesline - Santos Afro-Brazilian CosmologyThe. The event portrays the daily life of Umbanda rites, aiming to break paradigms, strengthening the visibility of the International Decade for Afro-descendants. The objective is to generate reflections about the cosmology of this Afro-Brazilian religion, and thus make society aware of this Tradition. Official launch will be on the 18/04th at 20 pm.  

  Start: 18/04/2016 17:00

  End: 29/04/2016 00:00

  Values: Gratuitous.

More information: (48) 3337-0075

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