X Philosophy Week in Lagoa

! - This event/schedule has already happened - !

This year, the New Acropolis International OrganizationAt Conceição Lagoon, prepared an event with an exhibition, masterpieces and commented videos and lectures.

Here is the schedule:

Every day: Exhibition from 19:22 to XNUMX:XNUMX.

19h30: Commented masterpiece: school of athens, Raphael sanzio;

20h: Lecture: The proposal of a new renaissance.

19h30: Commented masterpiece: The Vitruvian Man, Leonardo da Vinci;

20h: Commented video: Ágora (Alexandria).

19h30: Commented masterpiece: The spring, Sandro Botticelli;

20h: Lecture: The value of the Italian Renaissance for the present day.

  Start: 17/11/2015 21:30

  End: 20/11/2015 00:00

  Values: Gratuitous.

Information: by phone (48) 9169-8628.

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