From August 07th to 14th, those who want to increase their family will be able to adopt a new little friend pet na More Hope Fair, in the parking lot of Continente Shopping, in front of Cobasi.
On Saturday (07) the fair will be open from 14 pm to 18 pm and will be in partnership with the protective collective Proteção Unida de São José. In 2020 alone, the group rescued around 426 animals. In addition to the adoption fair, there will also be a bazaar with products to help fund the operation of the collective for the benefit of the pet cause.
On August 14, the event will be in charge of APRAP - Friends and Protectors of Animals of Palhoça, which completes 15 years of history in 2021. From 9 am to 18 pm, the NGO will make available for adoption adult dogs and cats and puppies in partnership with Cobasi. Plan to adopt your new best friend responsibly.
Continente Shopping emphasizes that all protective measures against Covid-19 are being fulfilled: use of masks, social distance and hygiene with gel alcohol.
Start: 07/08/2021 10:00
End: 14/08/2021 21:00
Values: Gratuitous.