Turn 2020 at Casa do SambaHere

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The turn of the year in Casa do SambaHere It will be special and full of Brazilian dancing music of the best quality. On the stage, Brazil tribe e Blessed - Jovi DJs e in.

Heineken OpenBar, Cachaças SambaAqui (while supplies last), Consertada and Xiboquinha SambaAqui (while supplies last), Rajska, soft drinks and still water. #MesaDeFrutas + 1 Custom Cup + 1 Custom Cup.

BenDita is a party filled with a lot of Brazilian music that mixes Sambas (from root to leaf) with hints of Forró, Tropicalismo, Carimbós, Batucadas, Maracatus and a touch of Cumbias and Africanities with DJs Jovi and Nei.

Tribo Brasil is one of the most active bands in the current cultural scene in Porto Alegre. With the proposal of research and practice of Brazilian music, it brings a real dance of genuinely Brazilian rhythms such as Samba, Baião, Frevo, Choro, Maracatu, Carimbó, Ijexá, Samba Reggae and Samba Rock.

The group with 16 years on the road, brings intense circulation of shows in several cities in southern Brazil and a tour of Uruguay. The band has already released two albums: the EP "Sorriso Banguela" (2012), and the album "Peixe Que Já Não Há" (2014).

Band formed by Gabriel Maciel (guitar/vocals), Rafael Camarao (guitar/percussion and vocals), Alan Furtado (low), Stephanie Colombo (flute, voice), Gabriel Hair (percussion/voice) and rhuan de moura (drums).

  Start: 31/12/2019 20:00

  End: 01/01/2020 03:30

  Values: Promotional lot: BRL 90 (first 25, or until 25/10) / 2nd lot: BRL 110 (until 20/11) / 3rd lot: BRL 150 (until 31/12 - 14pm) / On time: R$ 180. #HOURS: from 20 pm to 3:30 am.

For more information, visit the website of Casa do SambaHere.

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