Musical Balaio with Circo Quebra Copos and Soonanda

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Night of Musical Balaio na Noca's house com Circus Breaking Glasses e Soonanda! The mix of the party is on account of the circus rock of Circo Quebra Copos and the instrumental experimentation of jazz-rock-African fusion of Soonanda!

O Circus Breaking Glasses takes the stage at Noca to present all his avant-garde creations, with the aim of reaching his circus climax with all the participants of the party. already the band Soonanda it is an organism in constant development. Based on musical experimentation, the group fuses West African rhythms with contemporary Brazilian and world music, we seek to expand creativity and undo the limits between body, instrument and sound.

  Start: 08/08/2014 01:00

  End: 08/08/2014 02:30

  Values: BRL 15 until midnight; R$ 00 after.

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