Abrabah and Dedo de Moça bands – Casa de Noca

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Sunday, at Casa de Noca, is the day to raise funds for the short The Verdict , with the presence of the bands Girl's Finger e abrabah. Dedo de Moça walks through the different rhythms and regionalities of samba. From São Paulo by Adoniram Barbosa and Paulo Vanzolini to Rio de Janeiro by Zeca Pagodinho, João Nogueira and Luiz Carlos da Vila, to Bahia by Gilberto Gil, Dorival Caymmi and Roque Ferreira; from the samba song, the party, the maxixe, to the choro.

The band Abrabah, on the other hand, emerged on the island of Santa Catarina from the idea of ​​merging rhythms from the North and Northeast regions of Brazil. Based on forró, the ensemble brings strong doses of carimbó and guitars from the north, as well as valuing the different instrumental voices in their arrangements. Composed by Rodrigo Montoro (triangle and harmonica), George Linemburg (violin), Tiago Ogait (accordion), Cleison Pará (guitar and vocals) and Ricardo Gecko (zabumba and voice).

Music, Gastronomy and Art. These are the pillars of the house that seeks multiculture and the transversality of the arts. The aim is to renew the idea of ​​bar food, without losing practicality. Decoration is a different case: it seeks order in disorder, as well as disorder in order. Casa de Noca can work with poetry, visual arts, theater, circus or any artistic manifestation that the place supports.

Birthday: You and a companion have free entry and you can choose a special house drink. Contact the house at casadenoca@hotmail.com.

  Start: 12/04/2015 23:00

  End: 12/04/2015 23:30

  Values: R$ 10 for confirmed on the Facebook event until 18:15 on Sunday. R$ XNUMX without list.

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