CUT 2nd Anniversary – Blues Velvet

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The party CUT, which honors films from all eras and promotes a night with the best movie soundtracks, celebrates its 2nd birthday, this Friday! Movie night recalls films like Donnie Darko, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Little Miss Sunshine, Forrest Gump, Drive, Amelie Poulain and many others with remarkable songs. The DJs are the ones who don't miss any outstanding music. Monte Cristo, Emmanuel Costa e Ju Baratieri. Photography by Andrey Lolo Brigida.

Nicknamed the little blue hell, the Blues Velvet It's a pub-style bar with lots of character. It combines a pleasant place, liter beer, fun without prejudice and good music. The decor is reminiscent of a British pub with art, culture and creativity. On the walls are usually photographic and artistic exhibitions. The live sound jazz, blues, rock, indie... in addition to the rare cult videos.

Promotions: Drink of the day for only R$ 10 and tequila distributed to the crowd during the night!

  Start: 20/09/2014 01:00

  End: 20/09/2014 01:30

  Values: R$ 15 with list. R$ 20 without list.

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