Beatles X Rolling Stones Special – John Bull Floripa

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The Argentines of StarBeatles return to Floripa to start another season of shows. In addition to the nostalgic performance of the unmistakable sound of guitars and songs that never seem to get old, the boys bought from private collectors the same makes and models of instruments and amplifiers used by Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Star and George Harrison.

With the technical apparatus and similar outfits, from the discreet pantsuits to the most colorful clothes that marked the Beatles' performances, the four artists from Buenos Aires manage to impress and exalt the audience that filled the house in most of the shows of the last three years.

already the band the beetroots takes the stage to perform an irreverent show, performing with the greatest Rolling Stones classics. The repertoire includes re-readings of Mick Jagger's hits, with the band's trademark performance full of animation and good energy. Currently, the band is formed by musicians Jefferson Pires “Cebola” (vocals and guitar), Leandro Lira (guitar and vocals), Alysson Andrade (drums and vocals), Douglas Babu (double bass), Ivan Cipriani (guitar and vocals) and Sandro “Chicken” (percussion).

  Start: 20/09/2014 01:00

  End: 20/09/2014 01:30

  Values: £ 30.

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