Madonna Special – Blues Velvet

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Madonna special! A night honoring the 56 years of age of the queen of pop, with the right to DJing focusing on her hits from the beginning of her career in the 80s, until her last album in 2012. A selection of the singer's greatest hits to rock the Blues dancefloor. For the party, the DJs are the ones who rock the Inferninho Azul dancefloor. maycon schimitz, Nivea wp e Dinho Terres. Photography by Andrey Lolo Brigida.

Promotion: - Evening drink for R$ 10.

Nicknamed the blue hell, the Blues Velvet is a pub-style bar with lots of character. It combines a pleasant place, liter beer, fun without prejudice and good music. The decor is reminiscent of a British pub with art, culture and creativity. On the walls are usually photographic and artistic exhibitions. The live jazz, blues sound is one of the rare cult videos.

  Start: 21/08/2014 01:30

  End: 21/08/2014 02:30

  Values: R$ 10 or R$ 20 consummation.

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