Forró da Joaquina at DeRaiz

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The musician Rafa Goulart and your gang Cabrobro, eradicated on the island since 2007, come to show their show in our beloved and traditional Joaquina's forró No. FromRoot. At the top of his 15 year career and after 5 tours across Europe, where he had the opportunity to show the old world the beauty of our mountain range and promote his CD "Forró, Arte e Vida" released on the DeRaiz stage at the end of 2013, Cabrobró brings its influences and interpretations of great hits of the northeastern rhythm and also original songs.

  Start: 29/03/2017 02:00

  End: 29/03/2017 02:30

  Values: Up to 00:15, R$ 20, after, R$ 00 (female) and until 20:25 R$ XNUMX, after, R$ XNUMX (men).

More information: On the root

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