Launch of the anthology À Flor da Pele on the 3rd anniversary of Sarau Casa das Artes

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Counting on renowned authors of poetry and prose, the anthology Skinny, have yours launch carried out in Sarau Casa das Artes 3rd birthday party. The book is composed of poetry, short stories and chronicles that involve love and sensuality. The texts are authored by Antonio Rodrigues Chagas (who is the organizer and editor of the material), Willian S. Schütz, Vera Portella, Odair Ribeiro, Josias Rosa, Gisele Moura, Dioni Fernandes Virtuoso, Sandra Regina Lodetti, Ariovaldo Cavarzan, Simone Luiz Cândido, Beki Bassan, Sonnia Abel, Rosanga Ribeiro Miranda, among other names that list literary publications. To make the party even more special, the authors participating in the anthology recite their texts to the public. Packing the night, it has varied attractions from live music, among which are Rafael Paulo Cappai e Father and Daughter duo. Furthermore, it has a dinner with a special menu: an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet for R$ 40. The dinner menu includes steamed shrimp, garlic and oil shrimp, fried mullet, seafood with onions, shellfish, cockles, fish mush, fish fillet breaded, grilled fish fillet, chicken, meat, oyster gratin, 10 varieties of salads and desserts. The Sarau Casa das Artes has been promoting culture for three years through specially organized get-togethers with lots of literature, dances, music, gastronomy, with the intention that art becomes a bond of friendship.

  Start: 04/08/2018 21:00

  End: 05/08/2018 02:30

  Values: Free entrance. The free buffet, however, costs R$ 40.

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