Launch of the Book Insânia Mundana, by Willian S. Schütz

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mundane insanity is the first book published exclusively with texts by the poet, short story writer and social communicator William S. Schütz. The book contains 46 poems, divided into 6 chapters. Reflecting on the issues that move the daily life of the human being, Insânia Mundana escapes the pattern of structure, theme and aesthetics that most poetry books present, as each chapter is based on a fundamental aspect for humanity: they are reflections on Art , feelings, life experiences, social interaction, psychological issues and everyday observations. The release is made in Soiree House of Arts, which for three years has been promoting culture through specially organized get-togethers with a lot of literature, dances, music, gastronomy, with the intention that art becomes a bond of friendship. The festival has several attractions: live music, poetry and story recitals, autographs, author's lecture and much more. In addition, there is a dinner with a special menu: an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet. On the dinner menu, there are prawns on the breath, garlic and oil shrimp, fried mullet, seafood with onions, shellfish, cockles, fish mush, breaded fish fillet, grilled fish fillet, chicken, meat, oyster au gratin, 10 varieties of salads and desserts. Product features: dimensions are 14x20cm; black and white crumb; book with ears; colored cover; 140 pages; inside with white paper (sulfite) weight 75gr.; cover with bond paper grammage 280gr; 46 poems divided into 6 chapters; author's introduction and author's final remarks; the book's preface is written by Rodrigues Chagas, author of several poetry and prose books and president of the Academia de Letras do Brasil: Santa Catarina Seccional, São José. The maturity in Willlian S. Schütz's writing is highlighted in a properly characteristic style and evidenced by the fact that he became Cultural Director in a section of the ALBSC (Academia de Letras do Brasil - Santa Catarina), professionally exercising the journalistic act. William is Brazilian, born in Santa Catarina. From an early age, he showed an interest in the arts also studying music and film criticism. He attends meetings of the Trinity Poets Group. There, he made friends with great poets of the region, in addition to revealing his work, reciting on the stages of the Centro Integrado de Cultura (CIC). Since then, he has participated in several soirees and literary events.

  Start: 11/08/2018 21:00

  End: 12/08/2018 02:30

  Values: Free entrance. Optional: Dinner worth R$ 40. Price of the book (autographed by the author): R$ 25.

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