Rave Metal Special Soap Operas at Blues Velvet – Saturday

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One of the rave metal dedicated to the finest Brazilian art of telling baffic stories: Novela. The most controversial, hot, nostalgic songs from your favorite villains and/or heroines that still leave you missing in your heart.

This metal rave is for you who: - live in Leblon

- speaks Spanish dubbed


- poor core dear

- you're learning from Susaninha Vieira

- always dreamed of throwing people down stairs with Nazaré Tedesco

- found out who the next victim is

- and it's crazy to kill the manta

Don't worry, Nazaré won't be there to throw anyone off the stairs, lol.

Evening drink: Round of juice (Hi-Fi) for R$ 10.

With the DJs Lu Knihs, Romulo Koerich, Mark Scheidt, Peter Schlemper and special guest Loli Menezes (Paola Bracho). Photography by Andrey LoloBrigida.

  Start: 06/07/2014 02:00

  End: 06/07/2014 02:30

  Values: £ 20.

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