Special Root Samba with Caio Madureira – Sunday

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Sunday Sambo promises with this special guest coming directly from Rio de Janeiro, more precisely from Quintal de Madureira: Cairo Madureira. Singer of the new generation of Rio samba, created by Portela, born and raised in Madureira, Cairo has been emerging on the samba scene for having a remarkable voice in his interpretations and for being well versed. His project, Quintal de Madureira, brings together a traditional samba circle with approximately 1000 people in the neighborhood, which is home to two of Rio's largest Samba Schools, Portela and Império Serrano. Godson of Portela and respected by the biggest names in music, Cairo is a notable figure in the Roda de Samba do Cacique de Ramos and other strongholds in Rio. And there is also a special participation by the singer Eloisa Gonzaga, accompanied by this strong team Mirela Carpes, Gustavo Lopes, Flavio Luis, Nan, Leandro "Boquera" e Emersom Calandrini. Sambão da Joaca is already a musical heritage of the city.

  Start: 11/12/2017 00:30

  End: 11/12/2017 01:30

  Values: R$ 20. Subject to change. Confirming presence at the facebook event, R$ 15 until 23:XNUMX.

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