Samba de Terreiro – Homage to Mangueira, Portela, Estácio de Sá and Império Serrano

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Mangueira, Portela, Estácio de Sá and Império Serrano, four of the most traditional samba schools in Rio de Janeiro, will have their “Sambas de Terreiro” remembered at Casa de Noca. The responsibility lies with the crooks of the A good catch. Reference in samba from Santa Catarina for 15 years Um Bom Partido defends the traditional samba flag. The set is made up of Jandira (vocals and percussion); Júlia (vocals and percussion); Josiane (vocal); Arthur de Bem (ukulele); Gustavo Lopes (guitar 7 strings); Wellington, doga e Fabricio (percussion). In the repertoire, the authentic Brazilian samba: Candeia, Cartola, Noel Rosa, Pixinguinha, Carlos Cachaça, Paulinho da Viola, Monarco, Aniceto do Império, Cartola, Xangô da Mangueira, his own compositions and many other unforgettable samba musicians.

  Start: 03/05/2014 01:00

  End: 03/05/2014 02:30

  Values: Until midnight R$ 15. After, R$ 20.

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