Registration for Auction Inclusion of IFSC

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Registration for the Aulão Inclusão, an extension project of the IFSC's Florianópolis Campus, is open. Both registration and the course are free. The classes are preparatory for admission to the IFSC and are divided into two groups: one for students in the 9th year of Elementary School who want to take a technical course integrated into High School, and another for those interested in joining the higher technology or engineering courses offered across campus.

The preparatory classes for the integrated technical courses will be from May 14 to June 3, every working day, from 19:22 to 21:12. For higher education courses, classes will be at the same time, from May 40 to June XNUMX, also on all working days. There are XNUMX spots for each class.

  Start: 16/04/2015 13:00

  End: 30/04/2015 20:00

  Values: Gratuitous.

Information: through the link

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