Launch of the book Be the love of your life, by Guilherme Pintto

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The youtuber Guilherme Pintto launch the book Be the love of your life on Sunday, July 01st, at 15 pm at Bookstores Santa Catarina do Beiramar Shopping. The book brings together chronicles about love as a cure, abusive relationships, the importance of detachment in relationships, self-love as a path to true peace of mind, among others. I think he can be a good character for behavioral matters, abusive relationships, self-esteem. Guilherme Pintto grew up in a violent environment, in which he and his mother suffered physical and psychological abuse from his stepfather. Over the years, he realized that he was repeating patterns and that his relationships were much like the one he had at home. Thanks to psychotherapy and healing, he faced trauma and learned to develop self-esteem and made this his favorite subject. On Youtube and Facebook, where it has more than 900 followers, it deals with a series of topics related to relationships and behavior.

  Start: 01/07/2018 18:00

  End: 01/07/2018 22:00

  Values: Free. Book value: R$ 36,90.

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