Archaeological Tour in Costão do Santinho

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Santa Catarina Island, with human remains dating from at least 4.500 years ago, has a unique archaeological wealth. Take advantage of this trail tour in Costão do Santinho to live a true archaeological adventure. It is a journey through Santa Catarina's prehistory, trying to understand the origins of man on the American continent to the Guarani Carijó Indians, known by XNUMXth century navigators as "the kindest people on the coast".

Topics covered: Theories about the origin of American man; Prehistoric peoples who inhabited Santa Catarina Island; Zoolites and sambaquieira art; Indians who inhabited the Island; Lithic Workshops what are they?; Rock Inscriptions, who made it? what are your intentions?; History of Santinho; The wealth of Florianópolis' archaeological heritage. 2 km trail, short and easy, but it requires a little attention and care. Activity time: 2 to 3 hours.

Registrations limited to 20 people. Send your full name and phone to (48) 99953-5041. Exit at Rua Raul Pereira Caldas, 366 - Santinho (on the deck next to the beach lifeguard station).

  Start: 30/09/2017 12:30

  End: 01/10/2017 02:30

  Values: Pay what you want.

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