Educational portal of care for the major burn patient for nurses" is the theme of the meeting Coffee with Science, scheduled for this Thursday, March 4th. The activity takes place from 16:17 to 30:XNUMX on the platform Google Meet and will have the participation of Fernanda Santos, nurse at the Burns Unit of the Hospital de Pronto Socorro de Porto Alegre, specialist in Intensive Care at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC/RS), stoma therapist and master at the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos) and member of the Brazilian Burn Society. There are 70 spots available for the event, which will have a two-hour certificate. Interested parties must complete the application form online.
Start: 04/03/2021 16:00
End: 04/03/2021 17:30
Values: Free broadcast.