Online event: CAPTA 2020 – Advanced Immersion in Fundraising

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From the 23rd to the 27th of November, the Philanthropy Network promotes the edition online of the CAPTA 2020 - Advanced Immersion in Fundraising event, which will feature 40 hours of live virtual classes and workshops and will provide a lot of interaction and exchange of experience between participants and speakers. To participate, just do the registration online.

The event aims to open horizons in the field of fundraising; help managers and fundraisers to recognize and solve fundraising problems; present new techniques for funding resources for NGOs; exchanging experiences with other participants so that, together, they share solutions; and create a culture of professionalized and well-planned fundraising.

  Start: 23/11/2020 09:00

  End: 27/11/2020 18:00

  Values: from 12x R$ 82,50 or R$ 990 (in cash).

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