BADESC Cultural Foundation promotes free live on humor in times of pandemic

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"The Pandemic at Mira do Humor: is it possible to laugh in times of mourning?" is the theme of the virtual meeting promoted by BADESC Cultural Foundation and scheduled for Wednesday, December 16th. the teacher doctor Maria da Conceicao Francisca Pires, who teaches at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Unirio) will do the mediation.

From 19:30 pm, the free event can be followed on the Microsoft Teams Platform through the link, which will be released only on the day of the meeting.

The guest teacher will address characteristics of humor in Brazilian society, in addition to reflecting on the current moment, with the Covid-19 pandemic and political instabilities. And how this all generates a series of memes, cartoons and cartoons that reflect these social issues.

  Start: 16/12/2020 19:30

  End: 16/12/2020 21:30

  Values: Free broadcast.

Professor Maria da Conceição Francisca Pires participates in a Virtual Meeting promoted by the BADESC Cultural Foundation - credit: Disclosure.


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