Live: Astrology and Self-knowledge, with Maju Canzi on Floripa Shopping's Instagram

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Astrology is an ancient knowledge that has in its essence the search for the explanation of the meaning of life. But how can the zodiac help someone to reflect on intimate and deep questions? This is exactly what the astrologer is about. Maju Canzi will speak during live scheduled for this Tuesday (25), at 20h, on Instagram floripa mall (@floripashopping).  

The meeting, which will be led by journalist Vanessa Martinelli, aims to teach some steps so that from home you can already identify strengths and skills that are innate to the individual and those that can be transformed. Especially when we talk about personality traits, explained by the study of the relationship between the cycles of nature and human life. 

In addition, another issue that will be addressed has to do with the second function of astrology, which is to help identify the way in which someone creates their own problems and, thus, causes unhappiness to themselves and those around them. . Awareness of points of expansion and limitation can facilitate personal development strategies.

  Start: 25/08/2020 20:00

  End: 25/08/2020 21:00

  Values: Gratuitous.

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