Live Digital Encounters Culture with Mônica Salmaso and Sidarta Ribeiro

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In this Monday (31/8), o Digital Encounters Culture receive the singer Monica Salmaso and the neuroscientist Siddhartha Ribeiro to talk about: what is the new normal? The digital event takes place from 16:XNUMX, in the Youtube channel and Facebook page of the broadcaster.

Mediated by Mariana Kotscho and Roberta Manreza, presenters of the program Mother's Talk, from TV Cultura, the conversation will discuss: what has already changed in people's lives and that there is no going back? What are our new habits that are here to stay and what other new things are we getting used to?

Siddhartha studies a lot about dreams, and in 2019 he even launched a book on the subject, called The oracle of the night: the history and science of dreams. It will answer questions like: what about the crazy dreams people are having right now? What are the transformations of all this in our brain? Are there traumas?

And Mônica Salmaso talks about how she is dealing with the new normal. She has made wonderful music videos. Is artistic production motivated by the situation? How important are moments of relaxation, such as the lives she does with Teresa Cristina? They have fun like kids using Instagram apps.

  Start: 31/08/2020 16:00

  End: 31/08/2020 18:00

  Values: Gratuitous.

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