Brasil Sabor 2014 – Vereda Tropical

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Specializing in seafood, the Restaurant Vereda Tropical brings customers all the flavor of Grilled Sole Belle Meuniere, a delicious grilled sole served with buttered shrimp and capers, accompanied by rice, soutée potatoes and salad. The Brasil Sabor festival is considered the largest in the world when it comes to gastronomy. In the state, there are 62 participating restaurants, offering discounts between 30% and 50% on at least two days a week, pleasing pockets and tastes of all kinds.

  Start: 23/05/2014 14:00

  End: 30/05/2014 03:00

  Values: 50% discount (from R$99 for R$49,50) on lunch on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays

Information: Hair website.

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