Coding Dojo Encounter: Python

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O Coding Dojo is defined as a meeting where a group of programmers come together to work together on a programming challenge. The premise is to have fun, improve your skills and work in groups, working with some bases, such as test-driven development, baby steps and pair programming. In this event, the PHP as a basis for solving the challenge. In this event, the Python to solve the challenge. Python is a high-level, interpreted, imperative, object-oriented, functional, dynamically typed and strong programming language. It currently has a community development model, open and managed by the non-profit Python Software Foundation.

the minister is Willy Stadnick.

  Start: 26/08/2014 22:30

  End: 27/08/2014 01:30

  Values: R$5 for students, R$10 for professionals and R$25 for entrepreneurs. Pay on the day of the event.

Information and registration: Hair e-mail e website.

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