XIII South Brazilian Congress of Acupuncture

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Registration is open for the XIII South Brazilian Congress of Acupuncture and V Seminar of Brazil of Filasma, which brings together specialists who debate the interfaces of acupuncture with different areas of knowledge. Among the 150 guests (students, residents, specialists and doctors), are the renowned Laura Pinila (from Colombia), Wolnei Caumo, Claudio Couto e Fábio dos Santos, who minister Magna Classes on Neural Therapy, top down and bottom up Neuromodulation from the perspective of Contemporary Medical Acupuncture, Neuromodulation Techniques in Chronic Pain and Lifestyle Medicine as the best medicine. are also offered workshops, practical classes, talk shows, round tables and conversation circles, which will cover several topics related to the general theme of the event: Acupuncture and its Interfaces in XNUMXst Century Medicine.

  Start: 13/04/2018 12:00

  End: 15/04/2018 13:00

  Values: Compliant members Cmba / Filasma R$ 500 (until 31/03 - R$ 600 on site); Non-members R$ 700 (until 31/03 - R$ 800 on site); Postgraduate/Resident R$ 450 (until 31/03 - R$ 550 on site); Medicine Graduates R$ 200 (until 31/03 - R$ 350 on site). Registration can be made through the event's website (cmasc.com.br/index.php/congresso), where the complete program is also available.

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