On Saturday (18), at 16:30 pm, the Cenarium Company will present a choreographic repertoire uniting three modalities with Classical Ballet, Character Dance and Tap, with the participation of classical dancer Victória Scatena and the incredible tap dancer, Fernando Flesch.
The presentation “Natal Dança e Arte”, which will take place in the central area of Floripa Shopping, next to the Christmas decorations, will last approximately 30 minutes and will be a meeting of dancers with a great friend who is a tap dancer, who will take them to the world of imagination. In this special moment, there will be a great meeting between the dancers to perform their performance with a lot of class, and also challenge themselves in the tap universe with the incredible professional who comes especially to be part of this Christmas show!
Start: 18/12/2021 16:30
End: 18/12/2021 17:00
Values: Free admission.