Cultural program around the Hercílio Luz Bridge – 02/01/2020

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The project Long live the bridge it promotes, celebrating the reopening of the Pyesterday Hercilio Luz, continues, on the second day of 2020, its schedule of cultural activities in the vicinity of the bridge.

10 am: opening of the FCC Crafts Gallery e Quantum Yoga class;
11h: Acoustic Vini Punk;
12h: MDG Urban Music;
13h: Samba in Essence;
14h15: Fermata Group performing as a choir;
15pm: show with Wellington & Tallita & Banda;
16h: Musical Family;
17pm: special tango and jazz performance with the group gymnopeduo;
18pm: Show Group - Dascuia;
19pm: Group Show – Protected by the Princess;
20pm: closing.

  Start: 02/01/2020 10:00

  End: 02/01/2020 20:00

  Values: Gratuitous.

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