Wadada in the Backyard Project of Reggae

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With reggae with a pulsating feel we present our energy and music. Always keeping the purpose, which is to bring faith, love and union to the hearts of those who hear it, raising the soul in positive vibrations and energies. Wadada is a greeting or greeting in an African dialect, it means "LIVE IN PEACE AND IN LOVE". It shows affection and respect for others, issues that the band always addresses in their themes.

Reggae in Santa Catarina is stronger! Recently, an Instagram profile named @reggaecatarinense has been attracting the attention of many music fans. It was like this, in a natural and unpretentious way, that in August 2019, the Santa Catarina Reggae Union, a project conceived by Big Lion e Cleo Borges, which currently brings together 45 bands with authorial projects from all regions of the state of Santa Catarina.

The collective's objective is to warm up the current reggae scene, transforming old thoughts and concepts associated with the style, and updating the current music scene without losing tradition.

  Start: 23/01/2020 21:00

  End: 24/01/2020 03:00

  Values: R$15 until 22 pm confirming your presence at the EVENT until 19 pm! After or without confirmation at the event: R$ 20! lets.events list until 19pm and arriving from 21pm to 22pm / R$15 half-price tickets (disabled, students, seniors, etc.), birthday list, advance tickets.

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