18th Mostra EmCenaCatarina

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The shows of the Waters e To Count Stars selected by sesc and travel across the state 18th Mostra EmCenaCatarina. In each municipality, there are three consecutive days of programming, with presentations followed by chat, in which the artists share a little of their research and dialogue about the themes addressed in the scene, with the mediation of a guest in each location. The show opens with the theater Poses to (not) forget, by Heloísa Marina. In this solo, the artist confronts the memories of the war stories told by her Polish immigrant grandmother with their different versions. The show lasts 60 minutes and is suitable for people aged 16 and over. On the second day of programming, the dramatic spectacle takes the stage Das Águas, by Cia Carona de Blumenau, result of the research promoted by the group, taking as a starting point a hypothetical situation where the rain does not stop. The show lasts 65 minutes and is suitable for people aged 12 and over. The exhibition ends with the piece To Count Stars, from the Cirandela Group. In the plot, the Keepers of Time, are two timeless and imaginary beings, who travel the universe in search of capturing all kinds of time. At each place they dock, the standard procedure dictated by their boss, the clock, is carried out and thus a new time is captured. The show has a free indicative rating and the duration of 45 minutes.

  Start: 23/06/2018 23:00

  End: 25/06/2018 18:00

  Values: To consult.


23/06, at 20 pm, at Teatro Sesc Prainha: Poses to (not) forget; 
24/06, at 20h, at Teatro Sesc Prainha: Das Águas; 
25/06, at 15 pm, at Teatro Sesc Prainha: To Count Stars.

  •   Sesc Prainha
  • Rua Travessa Syriaco Atherino, 100 - Center
  • Florianópolis
  •   (48) 3229-2200

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