3rd FITA International Colloquium

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O 3rd FITA International Colloquium It has a program consisting of shows and a schedule of activities including lectures, conversation tables, communication sessions with publication of proceedings and workshops. The event is dedicated to the area of ​​Animation Theater and its purpose is to disseminate the techniques and research carried out on the subject, reinforcing the discussion and learning of elements that make up the universe of this theatrical language. In this third thematic edition it is The Theater of Shadows and the Theater of Objects and its focus is to enhance the space for the exchange of knowledge, providing the exchange between artists, researchers, the academic community and the community in general. Five theater companies from Spain, France and Brazil participate in ten artistic presentations that explore shadows and objects. In addition to activities, workshops and lectures with important theorists in the area, such as director Sandra Vargas (Grupo Sobrevento/SP) and professors Felisberto Sabino da Costa (ECA – USP/SP), Gilson Moraes (Ufrj) and Fabiana Lazzari (Udesc).

  Start: 11/06/2018 12:00

  End: 15/06/2018 02:00

  Values: Free (except for the show Años Luz).

Complete schedule: here.

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